
2 min readJan 23, 2021


Episode Released January 18, 2021

I’ll start off with the warning that I don’t have much to say about this episode. Not because it was bad — no. This episode was fine, just not my personal cup of tea. Secondly, I listened to this over the course of 3 days because I was busy & unmotivated. Thirdly, I knew nothing about Common prior to listening besides his book (that I have not even read) but I was compelled to listen to this particular episode because I really did want to get to know him more. Sadly, I feel like I have the same general view of him that I did before.

That “general view” of Common is as follows: spiritual, deep, and thoughtful. Creative and grateful. Chill.

All good adjectives! Really, he is such a likable guy. Very talented and has clearly worked his ass off to be as successful as he is now. The only reason I didn’t leave feeling wowed was because, at times, he was SO profound — sort of spiritual, too. I just have a hard time with that kind of high leverage, lofty thinking. To me, this episode was a whole lot of talking about topics I tried to grab onto, but they just didn’t feel solid. They kinda disappeared right after I finished listening.

I liked how him and Dax interacted — they definitely compliment each other well, similar to how I felt about his interaction with Randy Jackson (coincidence they’re both black?). The fact check was probably my favorite part because Dax, Monica AND Aaron Weakly (sp?) teased the new series “Race to 270” which I was not planning to listen to at all but was convinced by the end of their pitch. I listened today to it and I really enjoyed it! Not as amazing as Monica & Jess Love Boys, but very compelling and something I will continue to indulge in as the long winter months and their complementary long walks continue.




she’s an armchair expert…she’s an armchair EXPERT!!! (really just here to write about how much I love Monica)