Michael Eric Dyson

2 min readMar 8, 2021


Episode Released March 4, 2021

  • I felt like I was listening to the modern-day MLK Jr.
  • Michael Eric Dyson is so smart, witty, quick, inspirational and vibrant. I reaaaaalllllly liked his energy, especially with Dax
  • Monica did not speak the entire episode which was a little sad
  • Michael went from an inner city segregated school to a fancy private white school and I wish they talked about this transition a little more. It felt super quick
  • My fav part was when they were talking about cancel culture and how it’s so toxic. Not allowing people to ask questions or perhaps try to say something not fully PC and then shaming them is the opposite of what will create actual positive change. Reminds me so much of my school’s culture. So backwards and unsuccessful in rearing what it seeks to accomplish
  • Interesting discussion prompted by Dax as to why the 2020 election was so close…he said that maybe poor white folks who hear the liberal agenda is to help black people, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants etc. don’t hear themselves in that agenda and feel left out/scared that the elected Democrat will not fight for THEM so they end up voting for Trump because he promises a lot more to white people regardless of its truth or not

4 out of 5⭐️




she’s an armchair expert…she’s an armchair EXPERT!!! (really just here to write about how much I love Monica)