Viggo Mortensen

2 min readMar 1, 2021


Episode Released February 22, 2021

  • I almost stopped listening after 10 min cause Viggo’s voice is so monotonous but I am so glad I didn’t stop because it ended up being a unique episode
  • Love the conversation over “what is reality?” as in it’s perceived differently by everyone. Viggo spoke a lot about his family members who have suffered with dementia and what it means to support them and how to do that best — sometimes asking yourself “why am I correcting them? who is this for? them or me?”
  • So sad but interesting to hear the story about the hockey player who let in an own goal and then got shot upon returning to his home country (I think Colombia?) Dunno…Viggo is a big hockey fan
  • Monica hardly spoke, I honestly don’t think she did the whole episode
  • Fact check was interesting, Monica and Dax debated In & Of Itself and Dax was making the claim that he felt manipulated and it didn’t sit right with him which I can understand and something I didn’t think of myself at all while watching but Dax has a different background than me, one in which he has been manipulated by people before so he is on high alert and can feel taken advantage of more easily than me or Monica for example

4 out of 5 ⭐️




she’s an armchair expert…she’s an armchair EXPERT!!! (really just here to write about how much I love Monica)